Bitter loves Joe Chen Collection

I guess I haven't posted in a while...sorry!

Want to know the reason?

Dramas and I revisited my love for Joe Chen <3 I ended up watching Fated to Love You and I'm currently watching Queen of SOP where I am constantly obsessing over the fashion.

Oh and funfact Prada is an official sponsor of the drama and there are macbooks everywhere (I think it's a sign).

Some looks that I'm currently loving:
MingEn pair up again although Ming Dao only has a cameo, btw I used to be in love with Ming Dao (: so no harsh comments please.
Totally irrelevant but much love for MingEn and one day I should just rock up to a boutique and try on wedding dresses just for the experience.
Shipping both dresses here, especially the one on the left

Cloak and earmuff, I'm proud to say that I've sported a similar look before

Loving the office looks it reminds me of the clothes in 49 days (another drama)
More looks

Giordano loves Joe Chen Collection:
Not trying to brainwash you but if you love Joe Chen like me then support her clothing line for Giordano and should be available in Australian stores. I shall confirm this soon.

I wish that these were in my wardrobe, unfortunately Giordano only made 100 of these.

 No idea why but when I was googling looks from Queen of SOP the actor who plays the Scheduler came up. SO yeah, SCHEDULER FTW (dw if you don't get this)


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Lots of love

